Explore!: Mattapoisett Data Stories uses census, map, shipbuilding, and whaling voyage data to tell the story of Mattapoisett, MA, with a particular focus on the 1780s, 1850s and 1880s.
Mattapoisett Museum
July 2014, July 2019
The Mattapoisett Records data set includes data from:
1850 U.S. Federal Census
1855 Massachusetts Census
1855 Map of Marion (business & civic locations)
1856 Map of the Town of Rochester
1867 Plymouth County Directory
The Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS)
This project created people IDs for individuals listed in the 1850 U.S. Federal Census or 1855 Massachusetts Census and born since 1850, and IDs for building locations on the 1856 map. IDs are also included for individuals with multiple records who are not in the 1850 Rochester Census. The IDs connect associated records, and each connection is assigned a confidence level. A "0" confidence identifies that entry as the primary entry. An ID has a maximum of one primary entry. A confidence level of "1" indicates that the connection is highly probable, "2" probable, and "3" possible. The clickable census map displays connections that are between "0" and "2."
The Mattapoisett Shipbuilding data set includes data from:
American Offshore Whaling Voyages: A Database, https://whalinghistory.org, Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc. and New Bedford Whaling Museum.
American Offshore Whaling Voyages: A Database, by New Bedford Whaling Museum and Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc., is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Mendell, Charles S., Jr. " Shipbuilders of Mattapoisett." Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches. Number 66 (1937).
Wood, Edward F. R., Jr. comp. with Judith Navas Lund. The Ports of Old Rochester: Shipbuilding at Mattapoisett and Marion. New Bedford, MA: New Bedford Whaling Museum/Quadequina Publishers, 2004.
These two data sets are effectively subsets of American Offshore Whaling Voyages: A Database that only include records for people associated with the Mattapoisett/Rochester area and/or vessels from Mattapoisett/Rochester.
American Offshore Whaling Voyages: A Database, https://whalinghistory.org, Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc. and New Bedford Whaling Museum.
American Offshore Whaling Voyages: A Database, by New Bedford Whaling Museum and Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc., is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The core American Offshore Whaling databases are the work of Judith Lund and Tim Smith. The Whaling History website (https://whalinghistory.org) is a collaboration between Mystic Seaport and New Bedford Whaling Museum.
This project uses the July 6, 2018 crew data release, with additional adjustments to crew ID format and Solon voyage IDs integrated April 2019, and adds IDs that connect whaling crew members with individuals in the Mattapoisett Records data set.
Clifford Warren Ashley (American; New Bedford, MA 1881-1947 Westport, MA)
A Chart of the Whale Coast of New England c. 1810, 1919
Oil on canvas, 6 x 16 ft
Gift of Polly Duff Phipps, great-grandniece of Gilbert Hinsdale
Mattapoisett Historical Society
Walling, Henry Francis. Map of the Town of Marion, Plymouth County, Mass. : surveyed by order of the town / by H.F. Walling, supt. of the state map. [map], 1855. Scale 1:12,672. s.l.: s.n. Image Delivery Service, Harvard University Library. Accessed January-May 2014.
Walling, Henry Francis. Map of the Town of Rochester, Plymouth County, Massachusetts : surveyed by order of the town / by H.F. Walling ; A.S. Mowry, assistant engr. [map], 1856. c. 1:24,170. New York: Lith. of F. Mayer & Co. Image Delivery Service, Harvard University Library. Accessed January-June 2014.
https://ids.lib.harvard.edu/ids/view/2640134?buttons=y Courtesy of Harvard Map Collection
Walling, Henry Francis. Map of the County of Plymouth, Massachusetts : from actual surveys / under the direction of Henry F. Walling ; H. Koch, engraver. [map], 1857. Scale 1:47,520. Boston, MA: D.R. Smith & Co. Image Delivery Service, Harvard University Library. Accessed January-May 2014.
Town of Mattapoisett, MA [map] and detail: Village of Mattapoisett, Town of Mattapoisett [map]. 1:2,970, detail: 1:495. In: Winsor, Justin. Atlas of Plymouth county, Massachusetts : compiled from recent and actual surveys and records under the direction of the publishers. Boston, MA: G.H. Walker & Co., 1879. Pages 90-91. Accessed May 23, 2019.
Town of Mattapoisett, Plymouth County [map]. 1:2,000, details: 1:400. In: Judson, J. C..New topographical atlas of surveys : Plymouth County, together with town of Cohasset, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Springfield, MA: The L.J. Richards Co., 1903. Plate 24. Accessed May 23, 2019.
Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC), The Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS), Ongoing. Accessed 2014-2019.
American Ancestors, New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). Accessed 2019.
Ancestry.com. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. Accessed 2013-2019.
Hayward, John, 1781-1869. "A Gazetteer of Massachusetts,: Containing Descriptions of All the Counties, Towns And Districts In the Commonwealth; Also, of Its Principal Mountains, Rivers, Capes, Bays, Harbors, Islands, And Fashionable Resorts. To Which Are Added, Statistical Accounts of Its Agriculture, Commerce And Manufactures; With a Great Variety of Other Useful Information.." Rev. ed. Boston: J.P. Jewett & co., 1849. HathiTrust. Web. Accessed Feb. 9, 2014.
"The Historical Collections at the Plumb Library: A Preservation Partnership." The Plumb Library, 5 July 2012, May 2019. Web.
FamilySearch. Accessed 2013-2019.
Find A Grave. Accessed 2017-2019.
Gurney, Judy. Historical Tour of Rochester, Massachusetts. Rochester, MA: The Plumb Library, 28 June 2006. Web. Accessed June - July 2014. Not available 2019. https://www.plumblibrary.com/historical/tour.html
Gurney, Judith Jenney. Tales of Old Rochester. Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, 2000.
Internet Archive. Accessed 2013-2019.
Lyford, James O., ed. and City History Commission, Concord, NH. History of Concord, New Hampshire From the Original Grant in Seventeen Hundred and Twenty-Five to the Opening of the Twentieth Century. Concord, NH: The Rumford Press, 1903. Web. Accessed Jan. - July 2014.
https://www.concordnh.gov/index.aspx?NID=1047, https://www.concordnh.gov/DocumentCenter/View/743
Maple, Lesley, "Rochester Census Data," USGenWeb Genealogical Site for the Town of Rochester, Massachusetts, Plymouth County. Accessed 2013-2019.
Also: "The Rochester Census Project", https://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~macroche/census/census.htm
Note: includes transcriptions of the 1790, 1800, and 1810 U.S. Federal Census for Rochester, MA.
Massachusetts, Secretary of the Commonwealth. “Rochester (Mattapoisett),” Register of the 1855 state census, 1855. SC1/series 213X. Massachusetts Archives. Boston, Massachusetts. Digital images, 2011, FamilySearch.org : accessed 2013-2016. Citing Register of the 1855 state census, 1855. SC1/series 213X. Massachusetts Archives. Boston, Massachusetts; microfilmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974, film 953957, roll 19; digitized by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 2007, DGS film 004279375, images 256/257-277/278.
FamilySearch: Massachusetts State Census, 1855.
(Online database: FamilySearch.org)
New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS): Massachusetts State Census, 1855.
(Online database: AmericanAncestors.org)
Massachusetts Archives Division: Vital Records, https://www.sec.state.ma.us/vitalrecordssearch/VitalRecordsSearch.aspx
Mattapoisett, MA and Mary Hall Leonard. Mattapoisett and Old Rochester, Massachusetts : being a history of these towns and also in part of Marion and a portion of Wareham. New York: The Grafton Press, c. 1907. Amazon Digital Services. Kindle edition, 2012. Also see HathiTrust. Web.
Pratt, Stillman B., & Co. The Plymouth County Directory, And Historical Register of the Old Colony: Containing an Historical Sketch of the County, And of Each Town In the County; a Roll of Honor, With the Names of All Soldiers of the Army And Navy, From This County, Who Lost Their Lives In Service; an Alphabetical List of the Voters; a Complete Index to the Mercantile, Manufacturing, And Professional Interests of the County ... Middleboro, Mass.: S.B. Pratt & Co., 1867.
Public Archeology Library, Inc., "Rochester Community-Wide Historic and Architectural Survey 1997-1998,” SAILS Digital History Collections. Web. Accessed June - July 2014.
Rochester Historical Society. Rochester, MA: Rochester Historical Society. Web. Accessed Nov. 2013 - July 2014, 2019.
Rochester, MA. Vital records of Rochester, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Volume 1--Births. Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1914. Web. Accessed 20 July 2014.
Rochester, MA. Vital records of Rochester, Massachusetts, to the year 1850, Volume 2--Marriages and Deaths. Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1914. Web. Accessed May 22, 2019.
Rowland, Francis C. Walks Around Mattapoisett: Walk Books 1 & 2. Mattapoisett, MA: Mattapoisett Historical Society, 1992.
Rowland, Francis C. Walks Around Mattapoisett: Walks 3 & 4. Mattapoisett, MA: Mattapoisett Historical Society, 2002.
Schuettinger, Robert L. and Eamonn F. Butler. Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls: How Not to Fight Inflation. Washington, DC: The Heritage Foundation/ Caroline House, 1979. scribd. Web. Accessed Jan. - July 2014.
Sippican Historical Society. Marion, MA: Sippican Historical Society, 2006. Web. Accessed Nov. 2013- July 2014.
https://www.sippicanhistoricalsociety.org/, Database: https://sippican.pastperfectonline.com/
Sippican Historical Society. Wharves, Wood Shingles & Whaling Captains, Sippican Village from the 17th to the Early 20th Century, An Architectural Walking Tour of Marion's Wharf Village. Marion, MA: Sippican Historical Society. Web. Accessed Nov. 2013 - July 2014.
United States. Census Office. 1850 Census: Population, Agriculture & Other Data [US, States & Counties], ds9, ds10, ds12.
Minnesota Population Center. National Historical Geographic Information System: Version 2.0. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota 2011. Data retrieved 28 January 2014.
United States. Census Office. Population Schedules of the 7th Census of the United States, 1850, Massachusetts. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, 1964. Rochester, MA, pp. 258r-303r, Microcopy 432, Reel 0333. Accessed 2013-2019.
This microfilm was provided by the Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and sponsored by the Internet Archive.
Ancestry.com. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. Accessed 2013-2019.
FamilySearch. Accessed 2013-2019.
Open Library.
United States. Census Office. Population schedules of the 10th Census of the United States, 1880, Massachusetts. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, 1960. Enumeration District 547, Mattapoisett, MA, pp. 596r-610v, Reel 550. Accessed 2013-2014.
Note: This microfilm was provided by the Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and sponsored by the Internet Archive.
Ancestry.com. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. Accessed 2013-2019.
FamilySearch. Accessed 2013-2019.
USGenWeb Genealogical Site for the Town of Mattapoisett Massachusetts, Accessed 2013-2019.
USGenWeb Genealogical Site for the Town of Rochester Massachusetts, Accessed 2013-2019.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, University of Michigan, has data sets for analysis.
IPUMS has harmonized census data.
Minnesota Population Center. National Historical Geographic Information System: Version 2.0. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota 2011. https://www.nhgis.org has aggregate census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for the United States between 1790 and 2012.
American Offshore Whaling Voyages: A Database, https://whalinghistory.org, Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc. and New Bedford Whaling Museum.
American Offshore Whaling Voyages: A Database, by New Bedford Whaling Museum and Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc., is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Note: The core American Offshore Whaling databases are the work of Judith Lund and Tim Smith. The Whaling History website (https://whalinghistory.org) is a collaboration between Mystic Seaport and New Bedford Whaling Museum.
The "Mattapoisett Village, Rochester, MA, c. 1856" map and the "Mattapoisett Whaling Voyages" and "List of Whaling Voyages, Mattapoisett" pages use the American Offshore Whaling Voyages 2018-01-04 voyages data release. The "Places U.S. Whaling Vessels Built" map uses the 2019-04-09 voyages data release.
Ashley, Clifford W., Seth F. Mendell, Conner Gaudet, Eric Gould, and the Mattapoisett Hisotrical Society. A View Book of the Many Images Found in Clifford Ashley's "A Chart of the Whale Coast of New England c. 1810" Painted by Clifford Ashley in 1919. Mattapoisett, MA: Mattapoisett Historical Society, 2011.
Essex Institute. Essex Institute Historical Collections. Vols. 33, 41. Salem, MA: Essex Institute, 1897, 1905. HathiTrust. Web. Accessed Feb. 1-15, 2014. https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000681568
"Fox Hill Shipyard." Barque Hill on the North River, Norwell. n.d. Web. Accessed Nov. 15 - Dec. 20, 2013. https://barquehill.org/
Lund, Judith N., Elizabeth A. Josephson, Randall R. Reeves and Tim D. Smith. "American Offshore Whaling Voyages: a database." National Marine Digital Library. Hosted by the Mystic Seaport Museum, c. 2001-2010. Web. Accessed November 15-30, 2013. https://www.nmdl.org/
The "U.S. Whaling Voyages" map uses American Offshore Whaling Voyages: a database (nmdl.org) 2013 data.
Lund, Judith N., Elizabeth A. Josephson, Randall R. Reeves and Tim D. Smith. American Offshore Whaling Voyages: 1667 to 1927. New Bedford, MA: Old Dartmouth Historical Society - New Bedford Whaling Museum, 2010.
Lund, Judith N., Elizabeth A. Josephson, Randall R. Reeves and Tim D. Smith. "American Offshore Whaling Voyages: a database." National Marine Digital Library. Hosted by the Mystic Seaport Museum, c. 2001-2010. Web. Accessed November 15-30, 2013. https://www.nmdl.org/
Lund, Judith N., Elizabeth A. Josephson, Randall R. Reeves and Tim D. Smith. American Offshore Whaling Voyages: 1667 to 1927. New Bedford, MA: Old Dartmouth Historical Society - New Bedford Whaling Museum, 2010.
"Mattapoisett Shipbuilding." New Bedford Evening Standard. January 8, 1897.
Mendell, Charles S., Jr. " Shipbuilders of Mattapoisett." Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches. Number 66 (1937).
New Bedford Free Public Library, National Archives in Waltham, and the New Bedford Whaling Museum / Kendall Institute. "Whaling Collection Archives." New Bedford Free Public Library. New Bedford, MA: New Bedford Free Public Library Archives Department and the City of New Bedford Management Information Systems Department, n.d. Web. Accessed March - April 2014: https://www.newbedford-ma.gov/Library/Whaling/Whaling.html (2019: no longer hosting database.)
New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford Free Public Library and New Bedford Port Society; Judith N. Lund (advisory curator). "Crew List Database Project." New Bedford Whaling Museum. New Bedford, MA: New Bedford Whaling Museum, 2012. Accessed April - May 2014. https://www.whalingmuseum.org/online_exhibits/crewlist/
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
NOTE: Mattapoisett Data Stories, 2014: Information from the Crew List Database Project, New Bedford Whaling Museum, 2012, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Please consult respective source databases/publishers regarding copyright.
"Rigging of American Sailing Vessels." Peabody Essex Museum. Salem, MA: Peabody Essex Museum, 24 November 1996. Adapted from Charles G. Davis. Rigs of the nine principal types of American sailing vessels. Salem: Peabody Museum, 1927. Web. Accessed November 2013 - July 2014. https://www.pem.org/sites/archives/guides/rigs.htm
Sandström, Fredrik. "Square Rigging." Sailing Ships. 2000. Web. Accessed November 2013 - July 2014. https://sailing-ships.oktett.net/square-rigging.html
"Vessels and Terminology." New Bedford Whaling Museum. New Bedford, MA: New Bedford Whaling Museum, 14 April 2014. Web. Accessed November 2013 - July 2014. https://www.whalingmuseum.org/learn/research-topics/overview-of-north-american-whaling/vessels-and-terminology
Wikipedia contributors. "Sail-plan." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Nov. 2013 - 17 July 2014. Web. Accessed November 2013 - 20 July 2014. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sail-plan
Wood, Edward F. R., Jr. comp. with Judith Navas Lund. The Ports of Old Rochester: Shipbuilding at Mattapoisett and Marion. New Bedford, MA: New Bedford Whaling Museum/Quadequina Publishers, 2004.
Mattapoisett Museum Board of Directors
Jeffrey Miller, Director, Mattapoisett Museum
Katharine Staelin, Digital Curator and Developer
Mattapoisett Historical Society Board of Directors
Elizabeth Hutchinson, Curator, Mattapoisett Historical Society
Katharine Staelin: Concept, Project Lead, Data Coordination & Visualizations
LarryBeth Web Services: Map Development
This project is profoundly indebted to the individuals who collected and established the data sets that this project draws upon, including, but not limited to:
Mary Hall Leonard
A. B. Hammond
Judith N. Lund
Theopholis King
Charles S. Mendell
Alexander Starbuck
Edward F. R. Wood, Jr.
and WPA Project contributors
The institutions devoted to digital access that host the data sets played an essential role and made this project feasible. These institutions include:
Harvard University Library
Internet Archive
Massachusetts Archives
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Minnesota Population Center: National Historical Geographic Information System
Mystic Seaport: National Maritime Digital Library
New Bedford Free Public Library
New Bedford Whaling Museum
Many thanks to Connor Gaudet who generously shared his insights into mapping.
This project is built using several freely available tools and design resources that include:
Google Maps, Charts and DocsMagnific Pop-up
The Noun Project
(see thenounproject.com)
Creative Commons – Attribution (CC BY 3.0)
from the Noun Project
Anchor designed by André Luiz Gollo
Apple designed by Travis Yunis
Bacon designed by Jacob Halton #4172
Barrel designed by The Crew at Fusionary
Boat designed by Pham Thi Dieu Linh (vessel on waves)
Boot designed by chirag shah #19664
Button designed by Dan Hetteix (hat)
Carpenter designed by Dan Hetteix #23826
Chair designed by Parmelyn
Church designed by Johannes Ben Jurca #12381
Cigar designed by Chad Wimberly
Dresser designed by Sergey Krivoy
Eat designed by Alexandria Eddings #18394
Grave designed by Alex Fuller #11453
Ham designed by José Manuel de Laá #37920
Hay designed by Anuar Zhumaev
Link designed by Diego Naive
Meat designed by Yair Cohen #36108
Pork designed by James Keuning #28227
Sand designed by Ana María Lora Macias (salt)
Sail Boat designed by Marc Fouqué (schooner) *also included on landing page
Sail Boat designed by Monika Ciapala (ship)
Sheep designed by Unrecognized MJ #8389
Shoe designed by Wilson Joseph
Shopping Bag designed by Naomi Atkinson #5645
Sperm Whale designed by Cody Lawson
Steak designed by Tom Glass, Jr. #25605
Strawberry designed by Alessandro Suraci
Teacher designed by Yazmin Alanis #29061
Train designed by Vito Vetrov #9595
Tree designed by Musket
Trees designed by Phil Goodwin
Trees designed by Lance Hancock #40556 (part of orchard)
Trowel designed by Cassie McKown #32067
Turnip designed by Oleg Frolov #3024
Watermill designed by Piotrek Chuchla #21553
Public Domain
Anvil designed by Nathan Driskell #24971
Butter-Knife designed by Regis Biecher #13490
Carrot designed by Marco Olgio ##7790
Cod designed by By Andrés Magnússon #7406
College designed by Saman Bemel-Benrud #2402 (mortar board)
Farm designed by Iconathon #741
Leaf designed by Anna Moreno #21491
Lighthouse designed by Paulo Volkova #3843
Man Designed by Dan Brunsdon #13779
Pump designed by James Keuning #12847
Salt Shaker designed by OCHA Visual #4323
Snowflake designed by Paulo Volkova #3777
State-Government designed by Iconathon #15214
Sun designed by Gabriele Malaspina #17480
Switch (block/pulley) by K Staelin #40327
Information from the American Offshore Whaling Voyages: A Database, https://whalinghistory.org, by New Bedford Whaling Museum and Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc., is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Please consult respective source databases/publishers regarding copyright.
The Explore!: Mattapoisett Data Stories data contributions by the Mattapoisett Museum are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The Mattapoisett Museum data contributions include creating people and building location IDs and then associating related records as well as transcribing 1855 and 1856 map information, 1850 census data, and 1867 directory information. Please note, much of Explore!: Mattapoisett Data Stories is comprised of data and information from other sources/publishers. Please consult these other sources/publishers regarding copyright and permission.
Published 2014, Mattapoisett Historical Society. Updated 2019, Mattapoisett Museum.
1855 Mattapoisett Census & Maps: Whaling Vessel dropdown updated 2.2020
©2021 Mattapoisett Museum. All rights reserved.